Collage,ceras y lapices / cartón
31 x 23,5 cms
El Rokurokubi es un yokai que se encuentra en el folklore japonés.
Durante el día parecen seres humanos normales, pero por la noche adquieren la habilidad de estirar su cuello para grandes longitudes como
una serpiente.
Alguna vez los rokurokubi fueron seres humanos normales, generalmente mujeres, pero fueron transformados por el karma para romper diversos preceptos del budismo.
A menudo, estos rokurokubi son verdaderamente siniestros, ya que se
comen a la gente o beben su sangre en lugar de limitarse a asustarlas.Se
asemejan a los tanuki por la característica de jugarle bromas a los seres humanos.
The Rokurokubi is a yokai that one finds in the Japanese folklore.
During the day they look like human normal beings, but in the night they acquire the skill of stretching his neck for big lengths as a snake.
During the day they look like human normal beings, but in the night they acquire the skill of stretching his neck for big lengths as a snake.
One day the rokurokubi were human normal, generally women, but they were transformed by the karma to break diverse prescripts of the Buddhism.
Often, these rokurokubi are truly sinister, since they eat the people or drink his blood instead of limiting themselves to scaring them.
They make alike the tanuki for the characteristic of playing prank pranks the human ones
Often, these rokurokubi are truly sinister, since they eat the people or drink his blood instead of limiting themselves to scaring them.
They make alike the tanuki for the characteristic of playing prank pranks the human ones

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