Apolo y Dafne.
29 x 19 x 10,5 cms
Caja,Tela, alfileres, y laurel
Apolo, dios de la profecía,la música y la luz solar, era muy poderoso pero era desafortunado en el amor. Se enamoró de Dafne, su primer amor, pero no fue correspondido. La causa de su desdicha era Eros
(Cupido en la mitología romana), que disparó una flecha de amor a Apolo
para que se enamorase de la Ninfa, y a ella le envió una flecha de
plomo para que rechazase su amor.
Pero Apolo no desistía en su empeño, y
persiguió a su enamorada hasta el río Peneo y, cuando iba a alcanzarla,
Dafne se estaba transformando: sus pies se volvieron raíces, su cuerpo
se convirtió en una corteza de árbol y su pelo en hojas de laurel. Según
cuenta Ovidio en sus "Metamorfosis" Apolo se abrazó a Dafne y dijo que siempre sería su árbol preferido y que sus hojas “coronarán las cabezas de las gentes en señal de victoria”.
A Dafne ya los brazos le crecían
Y en luengos ramos vueltos se mostraban;
En verdes hojas vi que se tornaban
Los cabellos que al oro oscurecían
De áspera corteza se cubrían
Los tiernos miembros que aún bullendo estaban;
Los blancos pies en tierra se hincaban,
Y en torcidas raíces se volvían.
Aquel que fue la causa de tal daño,
A fuerza de llorar, crecer hacía
El árbol que con lágrimas regaba
¡Oh miserable estado, oh mal tamaño,
Que con llorarla crezca cada día
La causa y la razón por que lloraba!
Garcilaso de la Vega
Apollo, god of the prediction, the music and the solar light, was very powerful but was unfortunate in the love. He fell in love with Daphne, his first love, but she was not corresponded. The cause of his misfortune was an Eros (Cupid in the Roman mythology), which shot an arrow of love at Apollo so that he was falling in love with the Nymph, and he sent to her an arrow of lead so that it was pushing his love back.
But Apolo was not desisting in his determination, and he chased his lover up to the river Peneo and, when he was going to reach her, Daphne was transforming: her feet turned roots, her body turned into a crust of tree and her hair into sheets of laurel. According to account Ovidio in his 'Metamorphosis' Apollo clung to Daphne and said that she would always be his favorite tree and that his sheets “ will crown the heads of the peoples as a token of victory ”.
To Daphne either the arms were growing
And in long turned branches they were appearing;
In green sheets I saw that they were returning
The hairs that to the gold were getting dark
Of rough crust they were covered
The tender members who bullendo were still;
The white feet in ground were kneeling,
And in crooked roots they were turning.
That one that was the cause of such damage,
By force of crying, growing it was doing
The tree that with tears was watering
Miserable way Oh, oh bad size,
That in spite of weeping for it grows every day
The cause and the reason for which he was crying!
Garcilaso de la Vega
(Extracted of http: // mythosyleyendas.wordpress.com/2010/01/29/apolo-y-dafne/)