La Milagrosa.2012
26,5 x 33 x 13,5cms
Caja madera, pasta moldeable, varios
No me pregunteis el cómo, porque seria un poco complicado explicarlo, ni el porqué, porque no lo sé.
Al fin y al cabo, me ha quedado chula, no?Esta imagen, es eso, una imagen, no una obra propiamente dicha, un capricho que no está en venta.
Do not ask me how, because it would be a little complicated to explain it,not why, because I do not know it.
After all, have I had left a flashy woman, not?
This image, it is that, an image, not a work in strict sense, a caprice that isn't in selling.
After all, have I had left a flashy woman, not?
This image, it is that, an image, not a work in strict sense, a caprice that isn't in selling.