"Los aposentos de la reina"/ "The rooms of the queen"
En su propio universo la reina es dueña de su
espacio, de su jardin almidonado de cojines que la protegen de un mundo
exterior despiadado. Ha creado su propio paraiso, todos intentamos crear
nuestro propio paraiso, nuestros espacios de silencio de paredes rosa
metalico o nuestras escaleras que suben y bajan en un espacio imposible.
In her own universe the queen is a proprietor of her space, her stuffy garden of cushions that protect her from an exterior merciless world. She has created her own paradise, we all try to create our own paradise, our spaces of metallic silence of pink walls or our stairs that rise and go down in an impossible space.
In her own universe the queen is a proprietor of her space, her stuffy garden of cushions that protect her from an exterior merciless world. She has created her own paradise, we all try to create our own paradise, our spaces of metallic silence of pink walls or our stairs that rise and go down in an impossible space.
La escala entre la figura extremadamente diminuta y el espacio de una
caja, logra transmitir asi la sensación de grandeza, de soledad
magnificada, incluso de silencio.
En esta soledad se disfrutan los espacios soñados.
The scale between the extremely tiny figure and the space of a box, manages to transmit like that the sensation of nobility, of praised solitude, even of silence. In this solitude the dreamed spaces are enjoyed.
"Los aposentos de la reina"
Caja madera, tela, plastico
24.50 x 34.00 x 11.00cms
"Nana para Marilyn con poema de Yeats"/"Lullaby for Marilyn with Yeats's poem "
Una caja-collage que es más bien una caja-poema. Con un bello poema de Yeats sobre lo efimero de la belleza y lo inutil de
entregar el corazón en exceso, un poema pesimista en
"...unos años antes (de su muerte) en una fiesta entre amigos, uno de
ellos de repente, sugirió que leyesen poemas. Cuando le tocó el turno a
Marilyn, abrió un tomo de Yeats, y el poema que leyó le estaba como
'''No entregueis nunca todo vuestro corazón,
ya que todo lo que es hermoso,
no es más que un sueño breve y delicioso.
Oh! no...no entregueis nunca vuestro corazón por completo"'
(extracto del documental "Marilyn a su pesar" de Patrick Jeudy).
Los materiales utilizados son bastante efimeros en sí.
¿Puede haber material más frágil y efimero que el papel seda? Y sin
embargo es el papel que utilizo para reconfortar la imagen de Marilyn,
dulces sábanas de sueños imposibles, también crisálida rota hacia un nuevo estado.
El poema, una mariposa blanca, y una cajita con brillante purpurina
acompañan la nana para Marilyn.
La misma austeridad y sencillez con la
que, a pesar de las apariencias, le gustaba vivir.
A dormir, Marilyn , que tengas dulces sueños.
Dedicado a todas las Marilyns del mundo
A box - collage that is rather a box - poem. With a
beautiful poem of Yeats on the ephemeral of the beauty and the useless
thing of delivering the heart in excess, a pessimistic poem really.
" ... a few years
earlier (of his death) in a party between friends, one of them
suddenly, he suggested to read poems. When it touched the shift to
Marylin, she opened a volume of Yeats, and the poem that she read was
like predestined to her....
'Never give all the heart(...)
For everything that's lovely is
But a brief, dreamy. Kind delight.
O never give the heart outright...'
(extract of documentary " Marilyn vs Marilyn " of Patrick Jeudy).
'Never give all the heart(...)
For everything that's lovely is
But a brief, dreamy. Kind delight.
O never give the heart outright...'
(extract of documentary " Marilyn vs Marilyn " of Patrick Jeudy).
The used materials are quite ephemeral in yes. Can there be more fragile and ephemeral material that the role sedates? And nevertheless it is the role that I use to encourage the image of Marylin, sweet sheets of impossible sleep, also chrysalis broken towards a new state.
The poem, a white butterfly, and a box on brilliant glitter accompany the lullaby for Marilyn.
The same austerity and simplicity with that, in spite of the appearances, she liked living.
To sleeping, Marilyn, that you have sweet sleep.
Dedicated to all the Marilyns of the world
The same austerity and simplicity with that, in spite of the appearances, she liked living.
To sleeping, Marilyn, that you have sweet sleep.
Dedicated to all the Marilyns of the world